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Akoteu Falemaama

 "House of light; House of learning"


Te Whāriki

Early Childhood Curriculum

Te Whāriki vision: "That children are competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society" p.2

Te Whāriki is underpinned by four Principles​


Holistic Development│Mo'ui Kakato│Kotahitanga

Family & Community│Kāinga mo e 'atakai│Whānau Tangata

Relationships│Tauhi Vā│Ngā Hononga

The five Strands of Te Whāriki that provide the framework for a holistic curriculum

Wellbeing │Mo'ui Lelei│Mana atua

Belonging│Totonu ke kau│Mana whenua

Contribution│Fevahevahe'aki│Mana tangata

Communication│Fetu'utaki│Mana reo

Exploration│Fekumi│Mana aotūroa

We implement Te Whariki in our everyday teaching and learning.

It is embedded in our planning and assessment, in our environment and in our practices.


Teacher/Child Ratio

Under 2 | 1:3

Over 2 | 1:8

We continue to strive for quality ratio to ensure the wellbeing of all children attending are taken care of and to maximize their learning.

Quality ratio supports supervision, health and safety practices and provides more opportunities for meaningful interactions.

Inclusive Learning Environment

We offer an inclusive learning environment for our children to explore different areas of learning. Our open indoor and outdoor space allows for reciprocol learning where children practice social skills such as tuakana-teina. This is a Maori concept of younger and older siblings learning from each other. Learning alongside our kau faiako, other children and the environment provides opportunities for open ended learning and communication. 

Akoteu Falemaama believes that all children and their families have the right to access high quality early childhood education. This right is not affected by disability, gender, socio economic backgrounds, nationality or cultural beliefs.

Inclusive practices are intended to identify and remove barriers to full acceptance, participation and learning for all children.

Parent's Information Foyer

We welcome all parents, kainga and visitors with our Friendly Island of Tonga vibes once you step foot into our  inviting environment and greeted by our awesome staff.

In this foyer, you will find information for parents such as staff profiles, policies, notices and resources displayed.

This is where parents sign their children in and out each day and also where visitors sign in the Visitor's book.


Thanks to our sponsor KidsCan, we are able to provide 3 nutritious Heart Foundation approved meals per day:

● Morning Tea

● Lunch

● Afternoon Tea

Weekly ingredients are fully funded and supplied by KidsCan which is delivered every Monday and is stored in our kitchen.

Our 3 daily nutritious meals are prepared by our Kitchen Person. 

Children with allergies have the option of bringing in their own lunch from home.

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